Client Stays

Shelter managers and data entry users can record client stays.

To record a stay for a given client, go to the client's record:

client stays

Under the "Client Stays" section, select the lodging location from the drop-down list, then click "Continue":

client stays

You will now see the stay form. Enter the first day of the stay, the duration, any ledger charges for the stay, the bed assignment (note that occupied beds are grayed out and not available for selection), and any notes you wish to add. Click "Add Stay" when the form is complete.

client stays

You are then returned to the client's record. You will notice that the client is marked as a current guest.

client stays

If necessary, the shelter manager can edit the stay record by clicking on the edit icon (edit):

client stays

A shelter manager can also remove a stay record if necessary by clicking the delete icon (delete02):

client stays