
The Homeless Shelter CSDB offers a variety of reports at the super user level. In general, the super user reports aggregate information from all locations, then enumerate the details for each location.

The reports are accessed via the "Reports" tab:


Demographics Report

To view the demographics of the clients you serve, select "Reports / Demographics": 


You can view the demographics based on the year that clients received services/stays, or for all years:


In this example, we will view the population served during 2015:


Below is a sample report. Note that each section is divided into two groups: clients who received (non-lodging) services, and clients who have stayed at your facility. 


Organizational Stats

The super user can view a variety of organizational statistics, across all time, for a given year, or for a given month:


In this example, we will review the organizational stats for 2014:


Below is a sample report.

  • Clients - indicates the number of new clients enrolled into your shelter during the specified time frame. This corresponds to the "Enrollment Date" field on the client form. A client must be entered (or enrolled) into the system before services or stays can be logged for them.
  • Total Stays - the number of registrations for lodging (note - this does not reflect the length of the stay)
  • Beds * Nights - this is the number of stays times the number of nights stayed
