Open Source Shelter Manager (OSSM – Awesome!)

Exciting news!

We’ve released OSSM on SourceForge!

The OSSM provides operational assistance to those managing refugee shelters (occupancy, services, daily management). It is not intended to be a refugee tracking tool.

Licensing and Technology

  • Gnu Public License (GPL). Free, open source.
  • Web based, using popular open source tools
    • php
    • mySql
    • codeIgnitor 3
  • Distribution


  • Refugee record
    • Intake / Exit information
    • ability to attach images, documents, and mp3 to refugee record
    • record the services you provide
    • record stays and generate rosters
  • International Support
    • European and US date formats
    • Over 110 countries w/ISO 3166-2 State/Province/Region codes
  • Support for multiple housing units
    • configurable houses, rooms, room occupancy
  • Reporting
    • aggregate reports on the services you provide, number of refugees you serve, demographics
  • The application will expand on the features found in these Database Austin open-source projects:

Account Types

  • Administrative – manage center configuration, accounts, etc. Run reports and generate exports. Also has full access to Shelter Manager and Case Manager features.
  • Shelter Manager
    • manages refugee records, manages room assignments, able to generate rosters. Also has full access to Case Manage features.
    • can be assigned to one or more of the center’s facilities
  • Case Manager
    • access is limited to assigned refugees.
    • can be assigned to refugees at different facilities
    • multiple case managers can be assigned to each refugee
  • Professional Contacts
    • access is limited to assigned refugees
    • Professional contacts can annotate the refugee record


We’d like to hear from you. If you are involved in Refugee Management (anywhere in the world) and would like a free, robust, feature-rich management tool, please let us know! We’d love to hear your thoughts on features, data collection, reporting, tracking….

You can get hold of us at ossm [at] dbAustin [dot] com.

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